Cyclists From the Early Seventies

Cyclists From the Early Seventies

Red Rock Staff and Staff Alumni have a big place in their heart for Red Rock. They show that in many ways. Those listed below, are showing their heart by riding in this year’s Fortieth Annual Red Rock Cyclathon.

Collen Buhler (nee Rempel) and two of her children,

Randy Dueck

Bev Dueck (nee Friesen)

Sylvia Reimer

Jay Dirks

Curt Plett and Dolores Plett (nee Friesen) and their three children

Chris Hildebrand

Darrel Guenther

Mark Unger

Brent Giesbrecht

Megan Rempel

Jeremy Loewen

John Friesen, with his wife Marlene and their son Adam

Hali Dirks

Ingrid Wilson

Trevor Wilson

Rhonda Voth (nee Friesen) and her two daughters

Gloria James

Victoria James

EJ James

Julianna Klippenstein

And these are just the ones who have signed up so far. I know there are more, like Eric Coursey and Rod Kehler who just haven’t registered yet. So, there is still time for you! You can even register on line and request sponsor forms. It is just that easy. So, invite some other friends and staff alumni and go to:

Whether you cycle or not, you can still donate to the cyclathon cause by following this link: Click on “donate now” and you will be able to select the cyclathon as your choice of where your donation should go.

Don’t forget the Open House on Sunday, June 7. We start with a worship service at 11:00 AM, followed by a cabin dedication service and barbecue lunch.