Every spring there is a turning point where the difference between spring and summer is just a technicality. Well I believe this week was that turning point.

On week number three of Spring Staff, the camp was blessed with beautiful weather, which means that the lake warmed up too. With everything being so warm, and our boats being repaired off site, the boat dock was used for its original purpose: tanning.

By the looks of this picture, you might think that spring staffer, Daniel Rempel, is back to doing what he was originally intended for: impressing the ladies. However, you would be wrong, as a little birdie told me that Daniel is off the market.

But really, that can’t be all that surprising when he has a mullet like this.

The beautiful weather also gave us the opportunity to gather around a fire to enjoy each other’s company on Tuesday evening. As a staff, we’re all committed to developing unity together, and it’s nights like these where you can really see that unity come to life.

If you’re taken aback by the tall structure that was our fire, you’re not alone. A few of our staff, along with our “fearless” leader Allan, forget the cardinal rule about a fire side: Fire is hot. Or perhaps Allan and Erik are just pointing at something. I’m not completely sure, but I like to think they’re reacting the same way as Diana.

It sure was great to have everyone together at once by the fire. Copper made sure he wasn’t left out, even if it was a little past his bedtime. Unfortunately, Copper didn’t get the memo about it being tick season. Poor dog…

Apparently nobody told Erik either…

As the weather has been changing, so has our personnel here at camp. This weekend we said goodbye to Eric and Krystal Coursey, as Eric has accepted a position as the new Cross Current Director at Winkler Bible Camp. We’re going to miss them a lot, and we’re certainly going to miss their two precious kids, Aidan and Quianna.

Poor Aidan just found out my name (Joey) is also used for a baby kangaroo. Who is he going to show is Joey hop to now that he’s gone?

I don’t think Quianna is all that upset about leaving just yet. In fact, as long as she keeps getting cake, she’d like to move more often! (Spoiler Alert: She didn’t leave room for supper)

I’m not sure about Eric and Krystal, but every time I leave Red Rock, the biggest thing I miss about it is its beauty. God has truly blessed this place with the kind of beauty that leaves you in awe. And every year we get comments from staff members and campers alike who say they can clearly see God’s presence through his beautiful creation here.

Fortunately for us, spring staffer, Jack Harrison, sometimes chooses to ignore this whole “sleep” phenomenon that seems to be popular to most of humanity. But I must say, these pictures are a very beautiful product of insomnia.

And of course the one night he decides not to sleep is when he catches some incredible Northern Lights. I assure you this is not Photoshopped.

So, a big thank-you to Jack whose lack of sleep produced some great photography. It also produced this…I don’t even really know what kind of food this is, it may be some sort of watermelon-meat hybrid. Gotta love our kitchen staff.

It’s been a great week. A big thank-you goes out to the Winnipeg Chinese MB Church, Ecole St-Joachim, Ecole Tache, and Manitoba Parks for being great groups this week. It makes our lives a lot better when the groups come in with tons of energy and a great attitude, and that certainly was the case this week.

Like always, our camp and staff could use some prayer. First of all, please pray that our staff can submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and make use of the amazing spiritual gifts it gives us. Also pray for the camp as we prepare for Cyclathon, which is our major fundraising event for the year. A lot of hard work and preparation goes into making it a success, and without God’s guidance and strength we will not succeed. Also like always, pray for energy, unity, and safety for our staff as we spend our time serving in his beautiful creation.

To keep posted on what’s happening around camp, be sure to “like” our Facebook page, and follow our new Twitter page that is slowly but surely rising to prominence.