They say a man is only as good as the size of his beard.
I’m not sure if anyone’s ever said that, but if they did, then the boys of the 2012 RRBC Spring Staff are truly good.
I’ll be honest, this entire post is going to be about hair. This is being written on a Wednesday, which due to days off at the end of my schedule, is the last day of my spring staff experience this year. And really, it’s been a very wet and rainy week, and everything interesting that has happened has had to do with hair. And since it’s my last day, I won’t be able to capture with pictures anything that happens between now and the weekend. So for that, I’m sorry. However, I believe the degree of hilarity, passion, and emotion that will be included in this post will be unparalleled. So hopefully you’ll except my apology, and maybe you’ll even thank me for what is to come.
Let’s start with the emotional. As you probably already know, Daniel Rempel has been modelling one of the most exquisite mullets Red Rock Bible Camp has seen since the days that Kim had hair. However, I’m very sad to say that due to a confusion of priorities in Daniel’s life, the world has lost another mullet.
Let us take a few moments to reflect with Daniel in the emotional final documentation of…the mullet.
Be strong Daniel.
As hard as it is to watch, it’s important for everyone to know what Daniel is going through. Once a man loses his mullet, he may never get it back (especially if you’re not single). So it’s quite understandable for Daniel to feel emotional about this transition in his life. But as understandable as it is, this next picture is tough to look at. Poor guy.
That is a picture of a broken man. I leave you with one last photo to help you remember what once was. It truly was a thing of beauty.
Although we as a spring staff don’t quite understand Daniels decision, he is still our friend. And because of this, Adam Friesen nobly made it his duty to commemorate what was once on Daniels head by creating a breathtaking masket (mullet-casket). You could imagine it was yet another emotional experience for the already fragile Daniel Rempel.
After a long while of contemplation…he opened it.
Soak it in, you may never see these curls again.
Sidenote: Imagine the reaction of his hairdresser. “Hey…umm…thanks for cutting my hair, but instead of throwing that out, do you mind gently placing it into this felt-bottomed casket?”
As awesome as this is, I’m worried that Daniel isn’t strong enough to handle seeing this again. As you can see, the man is falling apart.
As hard as this was for everyone, the show must go on.
Unfortunately for the guys on staff, moving on meant shifting the focus to another end of an era. Our beards.
On the very first day of camp, the men of spring staff made a commitment: To grow beards longer and thicker than the world has ever seen before. After two months of growing, this is what we came up with:
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Wow! Now that is a group of beards!”
First of all – thank you. Secondly – I know, right!
However, all good things must come to an end. And with this being the last week of spring staff, the beards had to go. And it was only fitting that we do it in style. Did somebody say beard party!? You bring the beards, we’ll bring the shavers.
And as exciting as a beard party sounds, the mood started off as a reflective one, as each of us took a minute alone to say goodbye.
It may not look like much, but very few beards have as much heart as Adam’s. And with Adam being so good at everything, it was very comfortable for us to know that we at least have him beat in the beard growing department. Nevertheless, Adam, we’re very proud of you.
Daniel, you no longer have a beard, or a mullet. I don’t even know you anymore.
Jack’s beard has been underrated from the very moment we started growing them. It may have been because we’ve seen him with a beard before, but whatever it was, it was not warranted. After looking through all of these pictures, Jack is the undisputed MVP of the beard party. His beard combined with his facial expressions and very messy hair make him a clear fan favorite.
I want to point out that I’m well aware that I’m all over the place with these beard picture captions. I’m having a really hard time figuring out if this is supposed to be emotional or just funny. Due to my confusion, it’s writing more like a sports journalism, roast, and memorial hybrid. I promise, come summer time things will be at least 40% less random.
Continuing on…
Jimmy may have a long way to go before he catches up to big brother Jack, but with his young age and strong beard growing genetics, Jimmy has nowhere to go but up. A great effort by the up-and-comer.
This is the perfect angle for Erik’s beard. His long, blonde whiskers may not seem like much from a distance, but if you get up close, they are truly a sight to see.
Mike has truly come into his own in these last two months (Okay, I may have completely transitioned to sports journalism). Mike’s beard looked so good and was so clean looking that he didn’t actually want to shave it! I should also point out that he had the fullest neard (neck-beard) out of all of us. Congratulations Mike.
Okay, we get it. Karl’s beard is better than ours. But you’ll see, one day we’ll all have beards. One day, people will respect us again. One day we will be men!
I’d like to thank my parents, and my friends for believing in me. Obviously I wanna thank my fans, couldn’t have done it without you, I have the best fans in the world!
This is getting out of hand. There are a lot of pictures of us shaving – and they are all awesome – but I’m not going to post them on the blog right now because it may be considered overkill. Check back shortly on our Facebook page for a photo’s of our beard party just like this one.
And this one
I should also note that we shaved half of our beards first. And took these pictures.
I have a pretty good camera, but there aren’t enough megapixels in the world to capture some of our facial hair. But congrats to Jack, Karl, and Mike for having visible heards (half-beards).
These took several tries to get right. But I think I speak for everyone in saying that it was worth it.
Alas, at the end of all the fun, our beards had to go for good. For some of us, our lack of beards make us look like we’re starting high school in September. For others, people will ask, “What beard?” Regardless, we did this for unity, and unified was exactly what we became. (Oh yeah, and Cullen came late).
What a happy bunch.
Anyways, that’s our week eight hair update. I hope we didn’t lose any readers after this. If you enjoyed the hair updates, let us know, and then we’ll have so many more this summer. Just kidding. There won’t be any more.
However, this will be the last spring staff update of the year, since spring staff is coming to an end on Sunday. This means that staff camp is right around the corner and starts on Thursday, June 28. We’d love it if you could pray for staff camp, because in many ways it’s the most important week of the summer. Pray for staff unity, safety, and wisdom for everyone in leadership positions. Pray that the friendships that are made between our staff our God-centred, and that our staff will all be open to God’s leading both at Staff Camp and throughout the summer.
And like I said last week, there will be daily updates throughout the summer about what the campers are up to, and other things happening around the camp. This will be a great resource for families and friends of campers to keep up with the activities and events that the campers will be participating in. Also, there will be pictures included that I promise will be far less weird than the ones that have been posted this spring.
Thanks for reading, and we appreciate your continued prayer and support for our ministry.
God Bless!