When you go to camp, you realize quickly that it runs a lot on routine. We have meals at the same time every day, skills at the same time every day, Chapel at the same time every day. But one of the amazing parts about camp is that despite executing the same routine all week long, each day is different and it brings something special to the table. That is an encouragement for our staff, because it keeps us focused on God’s daily will for us and steers us away from complacency. That being said, it was another great day of Spark camp on Thursday. These kids are really enjoying themselves, and we’ll be sad to see them leave on Saturday. But we still had plenty of time left as we started Thursday off with some more Morning Watch. From talking with the counsellors, it seems like these kids are very interested in growing in their relationships with God, and they are all asking a lot of great questions, which is very encouraging to hear. After they finished Morning Watch and Discovery, the kids broke off into their skill groups like they always do. We’ve checked in with a lot of the skills already this week, but we’ve yet to catch up with the biking skill who have been hitting our scenic (and sometimes quite difficult) trails all week long. We’re very privileged to have some really awesome bikes here at camp, and the campers have been putting them to great use.
It wasn’t supposed to be a very warm day yesterday, but the sun came out pretty early, and it sure ended up feeling like one. Consequently, the kids were naturally inclined to hit up the beach. During the boys swim time, the dock almost couldn’t handle the demand.
However, the counsellors had an easy fix for that…
The kids had a great time running off the dock and playing in the water, but some people just wanted to relax. To cater to those kids, we have our dog, Copper, who is always down for a good cuddle on the beach.
Food was delicious once again during all three of our meals, as we had chocolate chip muffins for breakfast, chicken fingers and fries for lunch, and lasagna for diner. The food is often a highlight for these campers, however the quality cabin time spent during every meal is often a great part of the day as well.
The same thing goes for when the campers get together to eat their tuck. The second the counsellor brings out the candy, it’s like they all silently agreed that they will eat it all as a cabin group. It’s the coolest thing when a bunch of kids from random parts of Manitoba meet each other for the first time and become great friends in just a couple of days.
Speaking of meal times, the campers got to witness some serious law and order as a couple of our staff were the victims of our Red Rock Kangaroo Court. When counsellors sleep in past morning meetings, or don’t fulfil their full counselling duties, the Honourable Judge Kim Coursey brings them up front and issues a sentence. Colin’s punishment was to wear a highly inconvenient biker helmets all day long, but obviously the highlight of this picture is how absolutely ridiculous Kim looks.
The evening played out the same way as it did on Wednesday, except for that the cabins who were doing Cabin Choice on that day would do Minute to Win it, and the other cabins would do Cabin Choice. This time around, the boys dominated in the competition, winning five of the games to the girls two. Regardless, everybody had a blast, and some people even got to eat a cookie.
The second last evening of the week concluded with another great Chapel service. Our worship team has done a great job this week, and the kids are really enjoying singing their praises to God, and they especially enjoy it when there are actions involved.
Chris delivered another great message as well as he talked about what it means to accept Jesus into your heart, and like he often does, he incorporated a really cool illusion into his message. It’s been awesome to have Chris here with us, and please pray that God can continue speaking through him as we have our final Chapel happening tonight.
Today is our final full day at camp, and we’re expecting God to work in some amazing ways today. Please join us in that prayer, and be sure to check back tomorrow for our final update of the week!
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