It’s funny when you consider how many people say they don’t have time for prayer. Actually, it’s not very funny. People who say that usually have no trouble carving out time for their friends, for Facebook, for texting, concerts and the like.
Daniel was a man who prayed. He made time for prayer. When Daniel heard that he and all the other wise men in Babylon were to be executed because they couldn’t tell their king what he had dreamed and what the dream meant, his first response was to pray. When you are in a tight spot, is prayer your first or last resort? Are your first thoughts about how you can use your own, talents, resources, strength or wits to get out of the jam you are in, or are your first thoughts to turn to God for His guidance and strength. By the way, God answered Daniel’s pray by revealing to him the king’s dream and its interpretation (Daniel 4).
Daniel didn’t just pray when he was in a tight spot. When King Darius decreed that no one could pray to any god or man for thirty days, Daniel, “…went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before” (Daniel 6:10). Prayer was a habit for Daniel. Wherever Daniel found himself, he always rose to the top, and he had huge responsibilities. In fact, the king was planning to appoint Daniel as head administrator over his whole kingdom (Daniel 6:3), yet Daniel made time for regular prayer to God.
What it comes down to is this. You’ll never find time for prayer until you make time for prayer. That is only going to happen when you admit that you can’t live the life God wants you to with your own wisdom and strength and instead rely on His strength and guidance.