This week Rowena and I are roughing it on Waikiki beach. This is our first trip to Hawaii and one of the reasons I have been looking forward to this trip is that I have always sensed that there is a certain majesty about a star filled sky, the mountains and the ocean. There is a certain beauty, power and awe; even a sacredness that wells up in me when I am in the presence of God’s creation. We have experienced all of these on this trip. Our mountain top experience was hiking to the top of a volcanic mountain called Diamond Head. Most of the hike was inside the crater. The view of the ocean from the top of Diamond Head was spectacular.

We have also seen some amazing sunsets and sun rises and enjoyed the ocean. We are looking forward to snorkeling tomorrow and seeing some of the beautiful fish and coral in the area.

Psalm 19:1-4a says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world.” You see, God has spoken to us most clearly through His Word, the Bible, and through His Son, Jesus Christ. But He has also revealed Himself through creation. In fact, Psalm 19 indicates that God’s revelation through creation is understood universally. It is a language that can be understood by everyone.

I’m quite sure that God had His reasons for revealing Himself in three ways, rather than just one or two ways. This week is a week when we will get a big dose of God’s revelation through creation. We will let you enjoy some of that revelation by posting some pictures of the sites we see. My hope is that God will use these pictures to reveal His glory, knowledge and handiwork to you. Don’t miss out on His revelation through creation.