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As another day has come and gone, it brings closer the time campers go home. And because tonight was the last night for them at camp this week, we had a special event after chapel. 

Chapel this evening had only two songs, but in the place of more, Drama skill one performed a skit for us. It was based off of John 8:1-12 where Jesus is with the adulterous woman.

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Cam and Myra spoke together tonight about what a relationship with God really looks like. They wanted the campers to know that praying to God is actually just talking to God. Our relationship with God is not just a check list by which we check off reading our Bibles on our to-do lists for the day. Cam talked about the phrase “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” and said it wasn’t true with our relationships with God. “The longer you are away from God, the further you will feel.” -Cam

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The special event was Worship Night! This is a really great time for the campers to worship God without any boundaries or things holding them back. The Holy Spirit was present tonight as people were making commitments to get connected to churches and the Body back home. Others wanted to read their Bibles more, and it sounded like the campers really learned something this week. As they are getting ready to come back home, please keep praying for them and support them in their journeys with Jesus our Lord. We pray that they will become dedicated disciples, and that soon they will go out and make disciples of all the nations!

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