Under the Sea!!

Jul 2, 2019

Day 2!!!

Our dinner today was ocean themed and the entire dining hall was decorated with streamers and balloons to look like the ocean. The staff also got into the spirit of it by dressing up in lifejackets and wet suits. We also had a special program where the campers recreated movie posters throughout camp. Some movies they recreated were Moana, Frozen, and Inside Out. In chapel, Andrea preached about James 1:19-20 and about the emotion of anger. The passage says that we are to ‘quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry because human anger does not make us right with God.’ Campers also explored the story of Mary and Martha. Martha was very busy doing things for the guests and got angry at her sister Mary who was at the feet of Jesus. We want to be like Mary and not be anxious or angry but enjoy sitting and listening to Jesus. 


Phone: 204-326-9784 ext. 1

Email: rrbc@redrockbiblecamp.com


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Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y2




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