Rainy Day Fun!!

Jul 9, 2019

This morning started out quite nice and the campers got to enjoy their first morning watch of the week with their big brothers and sisters. They also got to enjoy their first discovery with their cabin groups. Many campers enjoyed their first skill outside as the weather was still nice. Discovery is an interactive way using teamwork to discover God. Today the campers enjoyed many activities inside today as it rained for most of the afternoon, switching between showers and down pours. Although it caused skills and special program to change, everyone still continued to  have smiles on their faces. This evening for special program the campers got to play collectors choice, a game of laughter and chaos. All in all it was a great day!


Phone: 204-326-9784 ext. 1

Email: rrbc@redrockbiblecamp.com


#3-20 Brandt Street, Suite 173
Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y2




Mailing Address: 

PO Box 10

Rennie, MB

R0E 1R0

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