Ignite 2 Day 4
What an awesome day we had! The weather was much nicer today! This morning in morning watch campers learned that Jesus wants to be apart of our story and involved in our lives and all we have to is invite him into our hearts. Later in the evening we had worship night. Red Rock’s worship nights have been known to be life changing and tonight did not disappoint! It was our camp manager Allan’s last worship night as he is moving away to go work at another camp next year. For the very last two songs Allan gave the ok to open up all the windows and sing as loud as we could so that the whole lake would be able to hear us. God was present tonight as we sang all of those songs and the campers were taking it all in. It was a very memorable night and will go down in the books as a very impactful night for all. Tonight was an amazing night and we are so ready for an awesome last day of camp!

Phone: 204-326-9784 ext. 1
Email: rrbc@redrockbiblecamp.com
#3-20 Brandt Street, Suite 173
Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y2
Mailing Address:
PO Box 10
Rennie, MB
R0E 1R0
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