Week five could have been a bad week for the spring staff at Red Rock Bible Camp. Many times throughout the week it was cold and rainy, and every time it looked like the sun was going to pull through, the clouds would ruin all of the fun. And with Cyclathon only a few days away, we’ve been working over time making sure everything is prepped and ready to go for the big day.
But let me tell you, week five was certainly not a bad week, because I don’t know if you heard, but we got a boat!
I will now give you a few moments to take a look at pictures of our boat. Take your time.
We’re very excited that we can hook up iPod’s to it and play music through the sweet speakers. It’s the little things.
Our next picture is brought to you by Tahoe. Need a boat? Here’s a Tahoe. Tahoe.
Here’s our boat again…
It is truly a blessing that we have this now. All spring we’ve been boatless due to both of our boats needing repairs, and it seems like every year they are plagued with more problems. Recently we have been praying about our boating situation, and also asking for a new boat on our Donate Stuff page on the website, and this week we got this beauty donated to us. We are very thankful for this donation, and we are really looking forward to the joy that this boat will bring to the lives of our campers, and our staff.
With that being said, of course we tested it out. And of course we took pictures.
Erik Wiebe was the first to test out the wake on the Tahoe, and we were all amazed by how beautiful the wake was on our new baby.
It was a beautiful night for wake boarding. And it was exciting to watch Erik go higher and higher on the historical first pull.
Well done Erik. Well done. And just in case anyone is wondering which way the beach is, Erik is here to show you the way.
Next up was Cullen Klassen. Cullen had an…interesting first run behind the Tahoe. Here he is looking good, carving up the glassy lake. Unfortunately Cullen had no clue what was in store for him very shortly after this.
Soon after this picture was taken, Cullen took a tumble and his legs stretched to the back of his head, cutting his ear with the board in the process. There aren’t any pictures becAUSE it looked pretty bad at the time and we all remembered to “exude calmness” as we are often told in Staff Camp training. Turns out it wasn’t as bad as we thought, and he didn’t need stitches and is feeling great. Shout out to Jack for the solid first aid.
The last wakeboarder was Daniel Rempel. And you might be saying, “Wow, there’s a picture of that guy in every post!” Well, it’s faces like these which make him so blog friendly. I simply can’t keep these gems to myself.
But don’t be fooled, Daniel is far more than just a pretty face. And as hilarious as it would be for him to simply ride around the lake making that face without attempting anything, he actually went airborne multiple times during his run.
And to test out the boat’s versatility, we definitely needed to take a tube ride as well. Mike Froese and Adam Friesen were the ones to have the honour of the first Tahoe tube ride. Allan must not have been ruthless enough, because the boys were having a hard time staying humble.
As cocky as this next one is, you have to admire their flexibility.
But at the end of the day, it looks like they had a good time. Although, the water was pretty cold, so those smiles may very well be just clenched teeth.
Nevertheless, we love the new boat. And we’re looking forward to the memories that will be made in it in years to come.
I know what you’re thinking, “Hey Joey, you’re 14 pictures, and 700 words in and there hasn’t been a single shot or mention of any female staff member!”
First of all, thanks for paying attention to the post enough to count the pictures and words. I really appreciate that. Secondly, while the boys were out boating, the women were having a “Girls niiiiggghttt!” at the Froese’s cabin at Brereton Lake.
I can’t speak from first hand experience since obviously I wasn’t there. And the plan was for the girls to take pictures of the night and send them over to me, but unfortunately no pictures were taken because “We were having too much fun to take pictures.” So you can sleep peacefully knowing that they had a good time.
Speaking of women, female Head Counsellor, Sarah Froese, has been spending a lot of time with boys in the program office lately. It has gotten to the point where there is so much sarcasm around her that we’re worried that Sarah’s “not impressed” face may become permanent. “Hey Sarah, smile for the blog!”
We’ve also have quite the talented staff member working in the kitchen this spring, as Cloe Wiebe was given permission to express her artistic passion while preparing the fruit for lunch this week.
I can’t even cut regular pieces of watermelon and Cloe makes a shark. We have fun over here.
We have a big weekend coming up at camp with the Cyclathon on Saturday, and our Open House on Sunday. We would really appreciate it if you could keep us in your prayers for everything to go well. Cyclathon is a very important fundraising event for our camp, and we are praying for generosity towards are ministry. Also pray for good weather, and smooth operations, as there is a lot of work to do, and I’m sure the cyclists would much prefer to stay dry while biking.
Also, continue to pray for our boats. Technically we have three right now, but two of them have been causing us difficulties quite a bit lately. And it would be nice to pray for the new Tahoe, and that it can stay functioning, and prove to be a great asset for our camp.
Lastly, please pray for our summer staff. As of right now, we don’t have the amount of staff that we’re usually looking for, so it would be helpful if more people would step up to serve here. Also pray for their hearts to be prepared for this ministry so that God can do amazing things through them.
That’s basically week five in a nutshell. To keep up with what we’re doing, check out our Facebook and Twitter pages. We update them frequently, and you could expect some interesting pictures and tasty puns along the way. And the best way to check up on what we’re doing would be to come on over to our Open House on Sunday. Things get started with a worship service at 11am, and it also includes a free BBQ, camp tour, boat rides, and opportunities to go wall climbing or shoot archery. It will be a great time, and we’d love to see you there!