When you’re a kid, the most exciting day of the year is often your birthday. You send out invitations to all your friends, you make the goody bags, and you desperately hope people show up.
My birthday is often during May long weekend, so every year I scheduled my birthday party, I had friends who said they might be out of town, out at the cabin, or doing some “family stuff”. Because of this uncertainty, every year the anticipation before my big day was huge.
In many ways, Cyclathon is just like a young child’s birthday party. You put in a lot of work, send out a lot of invitations, but you really don’t know how it’s going to turn out.
When our projected numbers were coming in before the event, our lack of numbers had us worried, as we had 90 cyclists signed up this year opposed to the 107 that we had last year. It wasn’t talked about much, but there was certainly a concern that we would fall far short of our goal, and would have to make difficult decisions around camp to cover our losses.
It’s amazing how God can answer prayers.
With 17 less cyclists than last year, participants raised $85,000, which was even more than how much was raised last year with significantly more bodies. We were humbly reminded on the importance of trusting God, and the amazing work he is capable of.
And to top it off, the weather was beautiful. Not only was there virtually no wind, but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
We want to thank everyone for all of the prayers. God answered in a very obvious way, and we couldn’t be happier.
Also, a big thank you to all of you who either participated, donated, or volunteered for the event. We couldn’t have done it without any of you, and we are so thankful for your investment in our ministry.
And for those of you who couldn’t make it out, the magic of photography will take you back in time to June 2nd, 2012, RRBC’s 43rd annual Cyclathon.
Chloe Wilson participated in the Cyclathon this year. I biked half a mile at camp the other day and needed to take a breather. She is truly a child of Trevor’s.
Zach is a former RRBC head counsellor. That was a couple of years ago, and it looks as if he hasn’t cut his hair since. Good thing he has that smile.
The volunteers driving the “Caution: Cyclathon in progress” signs helped keep our cyclists safe. They also acted as a speedometer for some of our cyclists.
These cyclists are quite chipper at the Steinbach starting line considering their 730 start time.
Shout out to this group of guys as they made what had to have been record time, arriving at the finish line shortly after noon.
Sarah will be one of our summer staff members. To learn more about Sarah, follow her on Twitter?
Now this is what I’m talking about. Genius.
Family first! Not only did all five of their family members participate, but the Gerbrandt’s cleaned up on the door prizes this year. Shout out to Myra for winning the coveted Blackberry Playbook!
Emily is so great a cycling that she only needs half a bike. Impressive.
Thanks again for everyone’s support. God is good.