An artist, a student, a writer, a friend, a listener, a tea enthusiast, an explorer, and a strong woman of God are just a few of the things that come to mind when thinking about our Female Head Counsellor, Sarah Froese.
How do we know this? Well, at camps she’s often referred to as, “the artistic director”, she wrote for the blog a few weeks back, the girl has many friends, she’s trying to get her masters in counselling psychology, she worked at David’s Tea for many years of serving tea and telling stories, she seems to be ready to move to her next adventure at the end of every month, and she does it all for Jesus.
Having Sarah on staff is a blessing because she is always looking to push further in her relationship this God, and this year was no exception.
“This past year, God has been teaching me about His word; about how the Bible never stops speaking to us, and how I need to not just read it, but take time to study it and soak in it,” says Sarah. ” I’ve been learning about grace, and how God calls us to a standard of perfection, but He doesn’t hold our failures against us when we are in Christ. I’ve been learning about living a life of worship—how our purpose on earth is to bring glory to God and how that should be our first purpose in all we do.”
The idea of living a life of worship lines up perfectly with Sarah’s role here this summer. Not only will she be able to use her amazing gift of listening and wisdom while mentoring the staff here, but she is also heading up one of our worship teams this summer. Once you hear her voice, and experience the passion she has in her faith, you’ll know why that was a good decision.
But Sarah knows she cannot do this on her own strength, which is why relying on God is on top of her prayer list. So please pray for that reliance in Sarah’s life, and that she can represent Christ well, something as a staff we’re all trying to do.
The idea of relying on God’s strength isn’t anything knew to Sarah, and she has felt God teaching her this ever since she was a CIT here six summers ago, and as she’s been a counsellor for the past 5 summers.
“As a counselor, I’ve gotten to love kids and show them the way of Christ as best as I can, and I have seen God fill in my blanks by being strong where I am weak, and empowering me to do much more than I could ever do on my own. Every victory is God’s power in me.”
That kingdom-first attitude is exactly what we’re trying to instil in our staff this year, which is why we’re so happy about having Sarah on board, and why she makes such a good leader here.
And if you’re wondering about what her favorite tea is, well, she recommends the Pure Chai.