It’s a strange feeling today at camp as the campers say goodbye to their week at camp, but for the CIT’s seem to just be getting started. Many hugs and sad goodbyes were given on Saturday as the campers said goodbye to their counsellors and big brothers and sisters, but before we even got there, the campers had a great final full day of camp on Friday.
The day started off with the second last Morning Watch of the week. These conversations have been going a lot better than the beginning of the week, as the campers and big siblings are becoming quite close. It’s amazing to see God work through the awesome relationships that have been made this week.
Despite still having one more Morning Watch on Saturday, Friday was a day of lasts for these campers, including their last Discovery, where we saw the campers really come together in unity.
We saw earlier in the week an animal shirt photo op for all the campers who had animal shirts, and yesterday we had another opportunity for a picture with the first ever “American Eagle V-Neck Day”. Probably not as Kindle camper friendly as the animal shirt day, but the staff and the CIT’s were definitely on board.
Even though it was the last day, the skills did not slow down, and the campers are still enjoying them just as much as they did the first day of the week. Wilderness capped of their adventurous week with some good ol fashioned fire making and marshmallow roasting.
As the Wilderness skill was having a blast, the Archery skill got a little crazy. These young archers have greatly improved their accuracy throughout the week, but seem to have forgotten some of the rules. I guess they thought two whistles meant it’s clear to shoot. Poor kids.
Speaking of lasts, the campers had their very last Swim, Boat, and Tuck as well yesterday, which ended up being a beautiful day weather wise. The lake has cooled off a bit over the past week, but that certainly wasn’t stopping these campers from enjoying the water. I’m sure some of them will be asking to get a pool in the next few weeks, but instead you might want to consider the cheaper option: send them back to camp next summer!
Swim, Boat, and Tuck was also one of the last opportunities for some good quality time with their cabin groups. The result? Some precious cabin friend pictures. Camp friends are the sweetest.
I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned yet, but these next two weeks mark the 5th annual Moustache Growing Competition for the CIT’s and the staff. Since I don’t have a camera with the zoom-in capability to actually capture everyone’s moustache, I won’t post any pictures of how they’re doing. But it seems that the Kindle campers have been feeling a little left out and decided to grow some themselves.
Friday also marked the last Chapel of the week, where Kent talked about taking the things that pull us away from God out of our lives, and filling the void with the Holy Spirit. To illustrate this he used the game Operation, and how the object of the game is to take the parts that are hurting us out of the body. It was a real blessing having Kent out to speak with us again, and please pray for him as he goes back to his youth group in Steinbach to make and grow disciples over there.
An awesome Friday was capped of with an awesome fireside by the lake. The campers shared about their favorite parts of the week, and also the ways that God has worked in them throughout the week. It was awesome to hear everything the kids learnt, and it really seems like they had a great time.
It seems surreal that there is only one week left of summer, but we’re so incredibly thankful for what God has done so far. Please pray for the Ignite campers who come on Monday, that their hearts can be prepared for what God has in store for them. Also pray for the CIT’s as they head out on their campout for the weekend. The campout is an amazing time of spiritual growth, and bonding with the other CIT’s. Pray for good weather and good relationships! Like I said, we have one week left, so make sure you check out what that’s going to look like here on the blog!
Have a great weekend!