About a month ago, Red Rock Bible Camp held their annual fall banquet to fundraise for the many financial needs that go into running a Bible camp.
Every year we are blown away by the generosity of our Red Rock family, and this year was no exception. The numbers are in, and we were blessed to have 296 people in attendance at Steinbach Bible College who raised $23,440 for the camp! We always have very high hopes for our major events like these, and we’re very thankful that God provides for us in ways like this.
First of all, we’d like to thank everyone who donated to camp during our fall banquet, whether it be with their funds, time, or prayers. We have an amazing family of supporters who are always there to meet our needs, and without you all, running this ministry wouldn’t be possible. So, thank you all so much for your support, it certainly makes a world of difference.
Secondly, as happy as we were with having 296 people attending the fundraiser, we realize that there are many more of you who are also part of our family who couldn’t make it (How do we know this? We reached the 1000 “like” mark on Facebook the night of the banquet. Do you like our Facebook page yet?). If this is you, here’s some good news: we’re definitely still taking donations!
Before you think about that, first check out why you’d want to donate to Red Rock Bible Camp. What a lot of people don’t know is, summer camp fees do not cover the cost of renovating buildings and updating equipment around camp. And since we’re looking to renovate our Pine Lodge building, we will need to rely entirely on donations.
If you’d like to support us financially, we’d encourage you to check out how you can do that on our website’s “support us” page. And we’d also love to chat about it if you call our RRBC office at 204-326-9784.
Like we’ve said many times on this blog, Red Rock Bible Camp is extremely blessed. Every single donation counts, and we are so thankful for all of them. Please consider donating to this powerful ministry, and most importantly, please continue to pray for us year round, as God is constantly at work.