We’ve had this blog up and running for around 6 months now, and I thought it would be interesting to check which posts have received the most traffic since the beginning. So here is the list of the top 5 posts!

1.365 Things I Love About Camp #72

To be honest, I’m not sure why this one jumped out specifically as being the most viewed post. It is a good thing to love about camp, but to be number one after only being around for the last 10 days or so doesn’t make sense. It might have something to do with the post being about scrapbooking, which is probably a word used in search engines often. No pictures in this post even!

2. Summer Camp 2009 Theme

I think this is another victim of a common search in google and other search engines. I think there are camps looking for theme ideas for camp and search for ‘summer camp theme’ or something like that, and this post pops up.

3. Summer Staff 2009

Perhaps another search engine result? Maybe not. Thinking about summer staff is exciting, and perhaps that is why this one has been looked at so often.

4. 365 Things I Love About Camp

The intro to Kendra’s series she started almost 3 months ago. It has been really neat to see how people have gotten excited about seeing her posts each day. And this was the post to start it all off!

5. Reunion Photo 7

I was debating as to whether this photo should be considered a post all on its own or not. Really, it is only a part of a post. But I added it in because it makes absolutely no sense why this would be the 5th most looked at item on our blog. The photo isn’t a bad photo, but it isn’t anything amazingly special either. I wonder how this one got up here?

There are two posts which I thought should have gotten more hits than they did, so I’ll include them as honourable mentions:

1. Mrs. Jenkins Gets Her Motion Stopped

This video put together by Jeremy and me ended up being somewhere in the top 20. Even after all the calls from Hollywood dropping hints of Oscar nominations, it still hasn’t taken off with a large number of views here on the blog. Really this should be in the top 5 at the least, if not the top 3. Really.

2. Water-skiing at Camp

Call me a shameless self-promoter if you wish, but I really like this post and photo. It deserves some loving.

So, check them out and let us know what you think. Does our top 5 make sense? Were there any posts that you have liked more than others that deserve some mention? Let’s see which posts end up being the top by then end of one year!