Recent readings

I’ve been reading a great blog recently that has a lot of tidbits on leadership and discipleship which can be applied to our ministry here at camp. It’s by a guy named Perry Noble, and he subtitles his blog Leadership, Vision, and Creativity. Here are...

Half way through!

This weekend marks the half-way point of our summer camp season of 2009! We have just completed 4 weeks and there are another 4 remaining. Here are some of the highlights thus far: – Campers becoming Christians – Each week we have been able to see a number...


It feels strange to make a post about the weather, but that has been part of the story around here the past week or so. Last week was cold and rainy most of the week, but we were able to still have a great week of camp. This week things are looking a little better,...

Summer is here!

Well, it feels like summer is finally here! The last few days out here have been so nice. After a long May and even some snowflakes in the beginning of June, the heat has been a nice change. Just this morning as I was walking over to the lodge for breakfast, I saw the...

Where have all the cowboys….er….posts gone?

So as soon as Kendra went temporarily out of blog service, it seems like the blog has slowed down! As she was doing her 365 Things, we had a post a day for over 3 months. I think we all got a little bit spoiled! So I thought I would add a short little update as to...

Kendra’s 365 things I love about camp put on hold for a few days

And here is the reason! Kaylia Isabelle Hope was born Friday, May 29. We were a little surprised by how early, very excited, and so thankful that although she didn’t wait until Daddy came home, he was able to spend the whole weekend before going back to class in...