A Summer Like No Other

Caring Cabin Leaders

Christ Centered Community

Experience God's Amazing Creation



Did you know that you can earn a discount toward the summer camp fee? Since camp began in 1947, memorizing verses of the Bible has been important to us.

This is why you can still participate in the Bible Memory Program today.

Our Camps

Red Rock Bible Camp’s annual Open House is on June 8th, 2025. Please feel free to join us from 11am-3pm for the Open House.

Kindle Camps for Campers going into Grade 4-6

Kindle 1 July 2nd-5th, 2025

Kindle 1 Classic is $389 and Kindle 1 with Power Water Sports is $449. Kindle campers experience a great week through choosing four skills, having a blast at our Kindle Carnival and finish off the week with a campfire under the stars!

Ignite Camps for Campers going into Grade 6-9

Ignite 1 July 14th - 19th, 2025

Ignite Classic is $625. Ignite Classic Water Ski, and Ignite Classic Wakeboard are $715. Ignite campers experience the fantastic camp-wide game, worship night and special events that are sure to be a hit! 

Ignite 2 August 18th - 23rd, 2025

Ignite Classic is $625. Ignite Classic Water Ski, and Ignite Classic Wakeboard are $715. Ignite campers experience the fantastic camp-wide game, worship night and special events that are sure to be a hit! This Ignite camp runs in conjuction with our Counselor in Training Camp. 

Spark Camp for Campers going into Grade 5-7
Spark August 11th - 16th, 2025

Spark Classic is $595 and Spark Power Water Sports is $685. It takes a combination of features from Kindle and Ignite and creates a unique experience for these campers.

Sizzler Camps for Campers going into Grade 7-10

Summer Sizzler 1 July 7th - 12th, 2025

Classic Summer Sizzler 1 is $625. Summer Sizzler Classic Water Ski and Summer Sizzler Wakeboard are $715. Summer Sizzler will be a blend of some of the features of our Ignite and our Summer Scorcher sessions. There is always something new at Sizzler, like our night game and coffee-house. Be part of the excitement at Sizzler!

Summer Sizzler 2 July 21st-26th, 2025

Classic Summer Sizzler 1 and 2 are $625. Summer Sizzler Classic Water Ski and Summer Sizzler Wakeboard are $715. Summer Sizzler will be a blend of some of the features of our Ignite and our Summer Scorcher sessions. There is always something new at Sizzler, like our night game and coffee-house. Be part of the excitement at Sizzler!

Summer Sizzler 3 August 4th-9th, 2025

Classic Summer Sizzler 1 is $625. Summer Sizzler Classic Water Ski and Summer Sizzler Wakeboard are $715. Summer Sizzler will be a blend of some of the features of our Ignite and our Summer Scorcher sessions. There is always something new at Sizzler, like our night game and coffee-house. Be part of the excitement at Sizzler!

Summer Scorcher For Campers going into Grade 9-12
Summer Scorcher July 28th - August 2nd, 2025

Summer Scorcher Classic is $645. Summer Scorcher Water Ski and Summer Scorcher Wakeboard is $735. This is a week when our staff will go all out with some high energy programs like our annual Home-made Jam, an evening of comedy acts, music and skits that our staff will perform for the campers along with the infamous beach party! There is always something fun to do at Summer Scorcher with many all group activities, beach volleyball and plenty of time to just hang out together.

Counselor in Training (CIT) For Campers who have completed grade 10 or 11

Counselor in Training August 11th-23rd, 2025

CIT Camp (Counselor in Training) is a co-ed camp for Christian youth with leadership potential who will be entering grade 11 or 12 in the fall. This two week camp, August 11-23, 2025, includes learning camping and counseling skills, participating in cabin group Bible Studies, a weekend camp out and the opportunity to be a big brother of sister to a young camper. CIT Camp is a time for spiritual growth, leadership development, excitement and building lasting friendships with a small group of committed Christians. Counselor In Training Camp is $995. Applicants who are accepted for this program will be invoiced at a later date.

What Parents are Saying

We appreciate Red Rock Bible Camp so much! The senior leadership, the
counsellors and the support staff all impact our girls each summer. They come away
having had a super fun time and always having had an encounter with God and with
deepened faith. Thank you!


Blake had a great time and gave excellent feedback! He really liked his counselors which I think is key when going to overnight camp! The pictures were amazing this year, as a parent I LOVE getting glimpses of my kids each day they are away!


This was a very well run and organized camp with a wonderful emphasis on faith and nature. The staff were friendly, lots of fun and made my child feel special. He loved theactivities and music and food! Thanks for everything and God bless throughout the rest of the summer as you witness to more campers!


They loved the activities, the food, tuck, the water trampoline and jungle gym, climbing wall, the chapel sessions, the speaker, making a cabin video, and their stories went on and on. I loved smugmug. Made it easier to have my kiddos away for the week seeing pictures of them smiling and looking like they were also having a blast. Thanks everyone for your hard work and energy!!


Water Activities
Water Exploration
Wake Boarding
Power Water Sports
Skim Boarding
SUP Boarding
Board Sailing
Water Trampoline
Aqua Blast Launcher
Rock Hopping

Pedal Boating

LAND Activities
Arts and Crafts
Wall Climbing
Ultimate Frisbee
Morning Watch
Frontier Wilderness Survival
Collector’s Choice
Big Brother/ Big Sister
Night of Worship

Summer Camp Refund Policy:

If cancellation is made THREE WEEKS or more prior to your camp session, the fee, LESS the deposit ($100, included in camp fee), will be refunded.  If cancellation is made LESS THAN THREE WEEKS prior to the camp session, there is NO REFUND except for medical emergencies.  There is no refund for campers who withdraw from camp for any reason during the camp session, or who are sent home for disciplinary or medical reasons.