Aug 14, 2009
#172. I love having hydro!! WeAug 14, 2009
I’ve been reading a great blog recently that has a lot of tidbits on leadership and discipleship which can be applied to our ministry here at camp. It’s by a guy named Perry Noble, and he subtitles his blog Leadership, Vision, and Creativity. Here are...Aug 13, 2009
Mike Janzen Tuesday, September 15, 6:30 to 9:30 PM will be Red Rock Bible Camp’s annual Thanksgiving for the Summer Banquet. This year’s event will be held at Providence College and Seminary’s new Student Life Center in Otterburne, Manitoba....Aug 10, 2009
[clearspring_widget title=”” wid=”46928cc51133af17″ pid=”4a808fa3ba10e876″ width=”432″ height=”240″ domain=””]Aug 6, 2009
#164. I love Red Rock Lake. I love it that it has an island. I love 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lakes. I love it that there are hardly any cabins along our side of the lake. We have such an amazingly beautiful location for our...This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.Accept Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy