365 Things I Love About Camp #58

#58. I love the time our family spends together driving back and forth to camp. There are definitely times when I get tired of being 2 hours away from everything, but for the most part, we have found that the time spent in our car has done wonderful things for us! We...

365 Things I Love About Camp #56

#56. I love the Duplex! Yes, I miss our cozy, new little house that we had in Niverville, and I miss owning all 4 walls around me (and not having to share them!), but there are many things to be very thankful for in our home here at camp: 1) If we have to share walls,...

365 Things I Love About Camp #54

#54. I love the prayer support that we feel here at camp! As we were getting ready for Mother Daughter Camp this February, I had to make a bunch of phone calls, and it was amazing to hear how many people said that they were praying for the weekend and just asking that...

Empty camp.

So it feels like the camp is very empty these days, and it’s no wonder as there are very few of us around today. Lacey just arrived back from the CCI Manitoba Spring Forum (with a small weather delay before coming back), but besides her it has just been Kendra,...