Week Six: Work Hard, Play Hard

Here at Red Rock Bible Camp, we do two things: We work hard, and we play hard. The week leading up to Cyclathon, we worked hard. The program staff were making sure we were ready to put on the best weekend program the camp has ever seen. The maintenance staff were...

RRBC’s 43rd Annual Cyclathon

When you’re a kid, the most exciting day of the year is often your birthday. You send out invitations to all your friends, you make the goody bags, and you desperately hope people show up. My birthday is often during May long weekend, so every year I scheduled...

Week Five: We got a boat…

Week five could have been a bad week for the spring staff at Red Rock Bible Camp. Many times throughout the week it was cold and rainy, and every time it looked like the sun was going to pull through, the clouds would ruin all of the fun. And with Cyclathon only a few...

Getting to know…Adam Friesen

  Leaning back on the couch, like someone straight out of the movie Anchorman, Adam Friesen ponders about his past year as a student at the University of Manitoba.   “I really just like that whole learning thing,” says Adam profoundly.   While getting...

What dead rabbits taught me about Jesus

The following is the fourth instalment of our weekly Red Rock Faith Talks from the staff at RRBC. Every Monday in May and June, the blog will feature a post from a current Red Rock staff member sharing what’s on their heart, and what God is challenging them with. This...