Getting to Know…Cullen Klassen

Sometimes in life it’s very easy to stick to the status quo. If things ain’t broke, then don’t fix it. And sometimes that can be applied correctly, but in order for something truly special to happen, it takes someone with ambition and vision to get...

Getting to Know…Dianna Wiens

Every summer without exception, there will be campers of all different ages who struggle with homesickness. And for a lot of us staff members, it’s hard to relate. We get to go home on the weekends, call our families on our free time, and take comfort in the...

Getting to Know…Yeji Ha

It seems like every summer, Red Rock Bible Camp attracts staff members from all over world. For as long as I’ve been going to camp, we’ve had people work here from all across Manitoba, people from Germany and Paraguay and all sorts of other places. But...

Getting to Know…Cloe Wiebe

  As awesome as it is to work here at Red Rock Bible Camp, it can be exhausting. Whether it’s a 6am morning in the kitchen, a whole day working in the crawlspace of the duplex on maintenance, or one of those nights as a counsellor where your kids just...

Week Seven: Play Ball!

Where has the time gone?   Believe it or not, there is only one week left of spring staff, which also means we have about a week and a half until staff camp. It’s staggering to think about, but the staff here at Red Rock Bible Camp have their sites on the...