Fortieth Annual Cyclathon A Great Success

[clearspring_widget title=”” wid=”46928cc51133af17″ pid=”4a2dc331fd40b736″ width=”432″ height=”240″ domain=””] Saturday, June 6, 110 cyclists participated in the...

Pro Dunk Basketball System

Our new Pro Dunk Basketball system has been installed on one end of the basketball court and the concrete has been poured for the other one. The new hoop got initiated Saturday, May 23 by Joel Coursey, Zach Derksen, Kim Coursey, and Kim’s son-in-law, Gary...

Join Us For Red Rock Bible Camp’s Open House

The Annual Red Rock Open House takes place Sunday, June 7 starting with a worship service at 11:00 AM, followed by the dedication of our cabins, a complimentary barbecue, camp tours and recreational activities.