Aug 2, 2013
An interesting thing happened in the Worship Night tonight. Earlier this week it may have been mentioned that we weren’t seeing any movement or reaction to the Holy Spirit. It turned out that the Holy Spirit was indeed moving, and campers (and staff) were indeed...Jul 8, 2013
Welcome Ignite 1 campers! We hope your time here is fun but more importantly- educational! Okay well maybe you are not here to be in school again, so we can just call it growing spiritually. In all seriousness though, the theme this summer is the Kingdom, and it was...Jul 6, 2013
Well this first week has flown by. Soon the campers will return home, and we hope that they will take something with them from their experience at camp. Chester and Christine had a great time here at Red Rock this week. Chester even got to spend some time in a cabin!...
Jul 3, 2013
Well today has flown by fast! What a gorgeous day for the campers to arrive. After the campers arrived, they had an orientation, which was followed by a fabulous BBQ put on by our amazing kitchen staff. This afternoon was skill time, and campers got to try out all...May 24, 2013
Our dear friend Scott, Sunday is the day we will celebrate you once more, though we celebrate you nearly every day in our hearts. Sunday is the day we will remember you, but not a day goes by that you are not missed. Sometimes I wonder if you can hear our hearts from...Apr 30, 2013
A new season has come, although some would strongly disagree with the weather we have been experiencing. The spring staff have mostly arrived today, and the others will arrive by the end of the week. I am positive that all the spring staff and full time staff are very...This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.Accept Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy