365 Things I Love About Camp #128

#128. I love the view out my window. Very green. It sure beats looking at the houses across the street in Niverville…But Niverville has it’s charms, too!

Fortieth Annual Cyclathon A Great Success

[clearspring_widget title=”Animoto.com” wid=”46928cc51133af17″ pid=”4a2dc331fd40b736″ width=”432″ height=”240″ domain=”widgets.clearspring.com”] Saturday, June 6, 110 cyclists participated in the...

Where have all the cowboys….er….posts gone?

So as soon as Kendra went temporarily out of blog service, it seems like the blog has slowed down! As she was doing her 365 Things, we had a post a day for over 3 months. I think we all got a little bit spoiled! So I thought I would add a short little update as to...

365 Things I Love About Camp #112

#112. I love seeing the kitchen staff getting excited about their work! The kitchen staff have to work super hard. They get up earlier than anyone else, put in very long hours, and have to do a lot of jobs that are not always the most fun to do. But we have absolutely...