Oct 29, 2012
When you think of worship, what comes to your mind? Is it singing choruses at church or at camp? Is it something you do during Morning Watch (devotions)? I Googled the word “worship” and went to the site that was listed second. On the home page was the following...Oct 15, 2012
The definition of “façade” is, “a superficial appearance or illusion of something”. An example in a sentence would be, “They managed somehow to maintain a facade of wealth.” In other words, they were able to fool...Sep 30, 2012
Are you a planner who puts some thought in what you are going to be doing this day, this week, this year, or even this decade? Or, do you basically just go with the flow without scripting anything? Planning is good, especially if you ask God for some guidance as you...Sep 25, 2012
I just counted how many keys I have on the key ring that I carry around in my pocket. Each key opens something different. Only one of them opens the door to my house. No matter how long I try to get into my house using one of those other keys, I won’t get in until I...Sep 4, 2012
It’s funny when you consider how many people say they don’t have time for prayer. Actually, it’s not very funny. People who say that usually have no trouble carving out time for their friends, for Facebook, for texting, concerts and the like. Daniel was a man who...This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.Accept Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy