Week Five: We got a boat…

Week five could have been a bad week for the spring staff at Red Rock Bible Camp. Many times throughout the week it was cold and rainy, and every time it looked like the sun was going to pull through, the clouds would ruin all of the fun. And with Cyclathon only a few...

Getting to know…Adam Friesen

  Leaning back on the couch, like someone straight out of the movie Anchorman, Adam Friesen ponders about his past year as a student at the University of Manitoba.   “I really just like that whole learning thing,” says Adam profoundly.   While getting...

Come on in, we’re open!

A lot of people are connected to Red Rock Bible Camp. Maybe you’re a parent who sends their kids every year, or maybe they’re coming this summer for the first time. Maybe you went here as a kid, and every now and then you look back fondly at your many camp...

Week 4: Field Trip

With outdoor education and retreat groups coming in and out of camp constantly, the people of spring staff are rarely left alone. Our days are spent working very hard to meet the needs of the groups that come through, and our evenings are often spent trying to recover...

Moving on to Greener Pastures

Two weeks ago RRBC said goodbye to our Food Services Manager, Eric Coursey, along with his wife Krystal, sons Aidan and Tyrus, and daughter Quianna, as they moved on from Red Rock to follow God’s will elsewhere. The following is a message from Eric about what...

Week Three: It’s a beautiful day

Every spring there is a turning point where the difference between spring and summer is just a technicality. Well I believe this week was that turning point. On week number three of Spring Staff, the camp was blessed with beautiful weather, which means that the lake...